Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Keys to Dialog

Keys to Dialog

1. Indent for a new paragraph in your writing.

2. And every time a different speaker "Talks" in dialog it is the start of a new paragraph. This makes writing it easier because you have "separation" of characters voices.

3. And dialog flows better or is more meaningful if qualifiers such as (He said, she said, stated, etc.....) come after the spoken words, it is snappier this way.

4. Think of words in dialog as a tennis ball flowing from one side of the court to the next in volley.

5. Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes in terms of what you would say versus what they would say. What sounds more like them in response to what they just heard?

6. Is your character thinking about what they heard or just responding in complacent conversation? Responding in complacency is a truthful response also as most people don’t care what others have to say today. So if that is what you are trying to portray then it is appropriate.

7. What is the characters motivation for saying what they say?

8. How does what your character feels or thinks about the other character influence what they are saying in dialog? Are there subtleties or nuances that you might like to express.

I might add more to this when I think of more to say 

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 08/17/2011 at: http://www.howtowritebythomasmurphy.blogspot.com/

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