Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to write a story about a series of digital pictures or a pictorial story. 08 17 2010

How to write a story about a series of digital pictures or a pictorial story.
1.      Think of the important points of the trip the pictures are from and write them down as fast as they come to your stream of consciousness.
2.     Make a list of the topics that you have written about.  Use key words to identify paragraphs.
3.     Use the numbering system on your digital photographs to allow you to establish a chronological order for your story.
4.     Next to the list of topics that you have created put the number or identification of the photograph that best represents them.
5.     Now put your paragraphs in order according to the number you have entered next to them on your word processor.
6.     Once all your paragraphs are in order ask yourself if there are some pictures that you have not written about or aspects of the story that do not pertain to the pictures at all.  They might have occurred before or after the pictures were taken.
7.     Save your Text document twice, one with the photo numbers next to the paragraphs they represent and one final copy with the photograph identification numbers deleted.
Works very good, very productive method that I have indeed discovered or invented.  In fact this method is indeed infallible.
God Bless Those That Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Keys to Dialog

Keys to Dialog

1. Indent for a new paragraph in your writing.

2. And every time a different speaker "Talks" in dialog it is the start of a new paragraph. This makes writing it easier because you have "separation" of characters voices.

3. And dialog flows better or is more meaningful if qualifiers such as (He said, she said, stated, etc.....) come after the spoken words, it is snappier this way.

4. Think of words in dialog as a tennis ball flowing from one side of the court to the next in volley.

5. Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes in terms of what you would say versus what they would say. What sounds more like them in response to what they just heard?

6. Is your character thinking about what they heard or just responding in complacent conversation? Responding in complacency is a truthful response also as most people don’t care what others have to say today. So if that is what you are trying to portray then it is appropriate.

7. What is the characters motivation for saying what they say?

8. How does what your character feels or thinks about the other character influence what they are saying in dialog? Are there subtleties or nuances that you might like to express.

I might add more to this when I think of more to say 

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 08/17/2011 at: http://www.howtowritebythomasmurphy.blogspot.com/

How to write a Memoir: Or Expounding Explanations 08 17 2010

1.     Think of and remember things in your life.
2.     Think of how you would talk about what you are thinking about.  Think about what your feelings are about the history.
3.     Write the words of what you would say verbally about the memory down on paper.
4.     This serves as a starting point as once you have the initial basis on paper it becomes easier to write more about it.  What you have done is create something for you memories to grow around and build upon.  This method will improve your writing of memoirs.  You might even put what you wrote aside for a while and upon reading it the next time find yourself arguing with what you wrote.  “It was more like this!” You say to yourself.  The next step would be to reconcile what you have written with additions of expounding explanations.
5.     Also make a list of other topics and events that you would like to include in the memoir.  And work on them as they touch your spirit and memory.  And your memoir will increase.  You will also become more intelligent.  Remember memory is the basis of learning and intelligence.

Good and true memories are often fleeting and ephemeral, capture and preserve those memories on paper for all to know.  Whether they are beautiful or the opposite.  A lot of people benefit from stories of the opposite type.  So as you experience pain with recalling them, remember you might be helping someone who is going through the same thing cope.  Now you can’t beat a memory like that, can you?
God Bless Those Who Have the Courage to Write and Speak the Truth

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Write a Research Paper, Essay or Article 01 24 2010

How to Write a Research Paper, Essay or Article 01 24 2010

1. Step One: Pour out everything you know about what you want to write on pages of a yellow legal pad. Type this in your computer.

2. Step two: Read through Step One notes and see how the elements can be grouped in terms of paragraph or section headings. Besides Introduction and Summary. Now on a separate piece of paper draw up a rough outline with section headings. Just shore one bullet point elements. Type this in your computer.

3. Step three: Now take sentences form pages in step one and put a label to the left of them in terms of what section in your outline they will fit.

4. Now take the sentences identified in step three and drop them in your outline under the appropriate heading. Have both word processing documents open and drop them into your outline under the heading. When everything from step one is transferred to your outline your done with this step. If you use control X and then paste, do not resave your step one document. What this process is actually doing is panning out your unique perspective.

5. Now resave the outline with the title Draft Outline. At this stage you can either print it and look at the print out to see where the sentences go better or make as many changes on the computer before you print it and follow the step in the first part of this sentence.

6. Now look at this and rewrite it completely on a yellow legal pad while reading it or change what you have there on the computer to from smooth flowing sentences, in a coherent order that follows a rational stream of consciousness.

7. Now read it and see how it sounds to your “ear” and make appropriate changes.

8. Now present this and face the criticism because it’s all over the place. And it bedazzled their brains comprehension.

If you want to get religious about it you can think of the Outline as The Father, the draft Outline as the Son and pour out everything on legal pads in step one as the Holy Ghost. And there you have the Unity of the Father and Holy Ghost in the Son.

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy